Marshall Islands

The flag of Marshall Islands has a blue field with two broadening adjacent diagonal bands of orange and white that extend from the lower hoist-side corner to the upper fly-side corner of the field. A large white star with twenty-four rays — four large rays at the cardinal points and twenty smaller rays — is situated in the upper hoist-side corner above the diagonal bands.Coat of arms of [object Object]
Official nameRepublic of the Marshall Islands
LocationOceania | Micronesia
Area181 km2
Population59194 inhabitants
Density327.039 pop / km2
Demonyms(m) Marshallese / (f) Marshallese
Official languagesEnglish, Marshallese
Statusindependent, officially-assigned
CurrencyUnited States dollar ($)
Phone code+6, suffix(es): 92
Postal code formatnone
Drives on theright