United Kingdom

The flag of the United Kingdom — the Union Jack — has a blue field. It features the white-edged red cross of Saint George superimposed on the diagonal red cross of Saint Patrick which is superimposed on the diagonal white cross of Saint Andrew.Coat of arms of [object Object]
Official nameUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
LocationEurope | Northern Europe
Area242900 km2
Population67.22M inhabitants
Density276.72 pop / km2
Demonyms(m) British / (f) British
Official languagesEnglish
Statusindependent, officially-assigned
CurrencyBritish pound (£)
GINI35.1 (2017)
Phone code+4, suffix(es): 4
Postal code format@# #@@|@## #@@|@@# #@@|@@## #@@|@#@ #@@|@@#@ #@@|GIR0AA
Drives on theleft