
The flag of the Bahamas is composed of three equal horizontal bands of aquamarine, yellow and aquamarine, with a black equilateral triangle superimposed on the hoist side of the field. This triangle has its base on the hoist end and spans about one-third the width of the field.Coat of arms of [object Object]
Official nameCommonwealth of the Bahamas
LocationAmericas | Caribbean
Area13943 km2
Population393248 inhabitants
Density28.204 pop / km2
Demonyms(m) Bahamian / (f) Bahamian
Official languagesEnglish
Statusindependent, officially-assigned
MembershipsUN, FIFA
CurrencyBahamian dollar ($), United States dollar ($)
Phone code+1, suffix(es): 242
Postal code formatnone
Drives on theleft